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U15 DE Projects

Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM)

Data and highlights from the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Canadian and American licensing surveys on research expenditures, licenses and options, start-ups, invention disclosures, patents, gross income and license income is shared with U15 member universities.

Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (CSRDE)

The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (CSRDE) shares data on year 2 and 3 retention rates and year 4 and 6 graduation rates from U15 member universities.

Canadian Graduate and Professional Survey (CGPSS)

The Canadian Graduate and Professional Survey (CGPSS) Data Exchange has a repository of information about Canadian graduate programs for benchmarking analysis that was derived from the amalgamation of data from successive CGPSS surveys into a national anonymized data set.

Enrolment & Degrees

U15 members submit micro-level data on annual fall enrolment and degrees awarded for the calendar year. The fall enrolment snapshot is used as a representative of student population for the academic year. This data is based on less complex USIS definitions and meant to address the timeliness and completeness of Statistics Canada data. This project is essential for basic measures of academic activity reported in many studies.

Executive Compensation Survey

The Executive Compensation Survey is an annual survey of compensation of senior academic and senior administrative positions at U15 Universities. Current compensation data is presented with scaling factors.

Faculty Count

The Faculty Count project is a U15DE Project that collects information on annual headcounts and full-time equivalent (FTE) categorized by Professorial, Teaching Stream only, Term-Limited Sessional, Clinical, and Other for comparison and discussion among the U15 member universities.

Federal Granting Council Data (Tri-Agency Funding)

The U15 Directorate recieves data from the 3 agencies and categorizes the data. The resulting report categorizes the data into major headings defined by the U15DE (Operating grants, Career Awards, CRC’s, NCE’s, Scholarships).

Graduate Student Financial Support (GSFS)

The Graduate Student Financial Support project identifies sources of known funding (TA, RA, Internal Fellowships/Scholarships, Federal Scholarships, Provincial Scholarships, Bursaries) to enable benchmarking across U15 member universities

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Data Exchange has a repository of data from the U15 member universities from successive NSSE survey administrations, presented as frequency and means reports, by field of study.


The Graduate Time-to-Completion (TTC) project is an exchange of record-level data on “cohorts” of graduate students starting their Master’s or PhD Programs in a given cohort year. TTC allows precise tracking of completion times and rates by cohort, by program and by discipline to determine enrolment status after 4 and 5 years for students registered in Master level programs and enrolment status after 5, 6, 8, and 9 years for students registered in PhD level programs.

Tuition & Fees

The U15 Tuition & Fees project is an in-depth collection of faculty and program level summaries of tuition and compulsory ancillary fees for both Graduate and Undergraduate students. International tuition and fees are also collected.

University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS)

UCASS is the only source for consistently reported data on full-time faculty salaries and counts by discipline, gender, age, and rank. UCASS is administered by Statistics Canada, but also reported to the U15 DE for the benefit of comparison and data exchange. The UCASS data is also used heavily in collective bargaining.

 U15 Fact Book

The U15 Fact Book contains common measures of Enrolment, Finance, Faculty Counts, Tuition fees, Revenue, and Space. This report is produced annually to enable comparisons and trends across U15 member universities.